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11-Jan-2021  684Comments

CLING successfully installs its first CO2 A/C on Yutong E-bus

 Jan 06, wonderful weather and an inspiring event to kick off the new year 2021!

It is a memorable day today, our CO2 prototype A/C is successfully installed on our electric bus and Yutong experts inspected this new product. 
This is a milestone on our tech-tree and our social responsibility on environment protection.

CLING CO2 air conditioner, CO2 A/C, bus HVAC, bus HVAC system, bus air conditioning

CLING CO2 air conditioner, CO2 A/C, bus HVAC, bus HVAC system, bus air conditioning

CLING CO2 air conditioner, CO2 A/C, bus HVAC, bus HVAC system, bus air conditioning

CLING CO2 air conditioner, CO2 A/C, bus HVAC, bus HVAC system, bus air conditioning

CLING CO2 air conditioner, CO2 A/C, bus HVAC, bus HVAC system, bus air conditioning

CLING CO2 air conditioner, CO2 A/C, bus HVAC, bus HVAC system, bus air conditioning

CLING starts its R&D on CO2 A/C since 2019, we gathered our elite engineers together with Doctors of Shanghai Jiaotong University, developed CO2 A/C product basing on different tech routes. Today, CLING debuts its CO2 technology innovated according to its LEZDD-06 intelligent central heat mangement system, by second-time heat exchange, CO2 system cools and heats the coolant (water) to regulate bus internal climate.
CLING CO2 air conditioner, CO2 A/C, bus HVAC, bus HVAC system, bus air conditioning
For more info, please visit: www.clingac.com/support/industry-news/co2-ac-installtion-on-yutong-bus.html

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